Sana Healing Collective staff carries a wealth of experience and knowledge. Our staff regularly engages in publishing research, presenting and sharing knowledge at conferences and in other forums, and teaching and training on a variety of topics, including but not limited to psychedelics, harm reduction, substance use, somatic and meditative approaches, art therapy, stigma, trauma, and multicultural issues in therapy. Below is a selected list of Sana member activities:
Valery Shuman is a Senior Lecturer in the graduate Art Therapy and Counseling program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she regularly teaches Substance Use courses and has taught Fieldwork, Ethics, and Community Based Art Practice. She also provides supervision to Art Therapy program graduates and provides training/consultation on harm reduction, motivational interviewing, and substance use management.
Geoff Bathje is a Full Professor at Adler University, where he has taught courses in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy, Mind-Body and Meditative Approaches to Counseling, Addictions Counseling, Multicultural Counseling, Community Psychology, Biopsychosocial Bases of Behavior, and supervision of students in their clinical training. He has published research on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, harm reduction, stigma, and multicultural counseling.
Vilmarie Fraguada Narloch has been an adjunct instructor at Roosevelt University teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology and substance use disorder treatment. She has organized a number of conferences related to substance use and harm reduction.
Meghan Kennedy is 25-year veteran psychotherapist with a focus on complex trauma and transcultural treatment issues. She is certified in psychedelic-assisted therapies & research, conflict mediation, and EMDR, and engages in teaching and training internationally.
Selected Publications and Presentations (Sana members in bold):
Bathje, G.J., Majeski, E., & Kudowor, M. (2022). Psychedelic integration: An analysis of the concept and its practice. Frontiers in Psychology.
Pilecki, B., Luoma, J.B., Bathje, G.J., Rhea, J., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (2021). Ethical and Legal Issues in Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration Therapy. Harm Reduction Journal.
Bathje, G.J., Fenton, J., Pillersdorf, D., & Hill, L. (2021) Intention and Impact: A Qualitative Study of Ayahuasca Use by Westerners in Ritual and Ceremonial Contexts. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
Shuman, V., Bathje, G.J., Steele, B., Anonymous, & Fraguada Narloch, V. (January, 2021). Excluded: The Consequences of Psychedelic Exclusion Criteria and First-Hand Experiences of People Who Meet Such Criteria. Keynote panel at the Psychedelics, Madness, & Awakening: Harm Reduction and Future Visions Conference.
Luoma, J., Chwyl, C., Bathje, G.J., Davis, A., & Lancelotta, R. (2020). A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1-11.
Corrigan, P. W., Qin, S., Davidson, L., Schomerus, G., Shuman, V., & Smelson, D. (2020). Recovery from mental illness versus substance use disorder. Advances in Dual Diagnosis.
Bathje, G.J. & Fraguada Narloch, V. (January, 2020). What’s Happening in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy? Presentation at the Students for Sensible Drug Policy Illinois Conference.
Kalibatseva, Z., Bathje, G.J., Wu, I.H.C., Bluestein, B.M., Leong, F., Collins-Eaglin, J. (2020). Minority status, depression, and suicidality among counseling center clients. Journal of American College Health. 1-10.
Wu, J. & Bathje, G.J. (2020). Cognitive dissonance and east-west cultural differences. In Social Psychology and Counseling: Issues and Applications. Kleiber, D. & Delgado-Romero, E. (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers; Hauppenaug, NY.
Seller, H.K. & Bathje, G.J. (December 2019). Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy. Presented at the Illinois Co-Occurring Center for Excellence Summit on Medication-Assisted Treatment, Grayslake, IL.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (December 2019). Healing Trauma: The promise of MDMA-Assisted therapy. A presentation on the current status of the research on MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. Presented at the Illinois Co-Occurring Center for Excellence Summit on Medication-Assisted Treatment, Grayslake, IL.
Fraguada Narloch, V., Shuman, V., & Bathje, G.J. (October, 2019). Psychedelics: Harm Reduction and Healing. Presentation at the Midwest Harm Reduction Institute Conference. Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J, Pillersdorf, D., Kacere, L., & Bigg, D. (2019). Altruism, egoism, and mutual aid within a harm reduction program among persons who use drugs. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 29(4), 1-13.
Corrigan, P. W., Qin, S., Davidson, L., Schomerus, G., Shuman, V., & Smelson, D. (2019). Public perceptions of recovery prospects and peer style (support and confrontation) in services for serious mental illness versus substance use disorder. Journal of Dual Diagnosis,1-7.
Corrigan, P. W., Qin, S., Davidson, L., Schomerus, G., Shuman, V., & Smelson, D. (2019). How does the public understand recovery from severe mental illness versus substance use disorder? Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.
Bathje, G.J, Pillersdorf, D., & Du Bois, S. (2019). Attitudes toward harm reduction programming in a context of authoritarian beliefs and stigma of addiction. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, 32(2), 77-86.
Fraguada Narloch, V., Lassen, E., Kennedy, M., Nicholas, C., Thomas, C. (March 2019). So you wanna be a psychedelic-assisted therapist? An informational presentation on career development and opportunities for college students interested in psychedelic-assisted therapy and research. Annual Students for Sensible Drug Policy conference, Chicago, IL.
Doerr, K., Gould, J., Bader, Z., Fraguada Narloch, V. (March 2019). Just Say Know: Drug education beyond campus. A panel discussion on utilizing the skills and knowledge gained from the Students for Sensible Drug Policy Just Say Know peer education training program beyond the college campus community. Annual Students for Sensible Drug Policy conference, Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J. & Kotsiris, S. (November, 2018). The current status and potential of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Workshop at the Illinois Counseling Association Conference. Itasca, IL.
Fraguada Narloch, V., Shuman, V., Bathje, G.J., Espinosa-Ravi, I., & Silver, M. (October, 2018). Drug knowledge: Harm reduction approaches to educating providers and participants on drugs and drug use. Panel at the 12th National Harm Reduction Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Fraguada Narloch, V., Bathje, G.J., & Kotsiris, S. (October 2018). Psychedelic harm reduction and integration in the community. Panel at the Midwest Harm Reduction Institute Conference. Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J. (September, 2018). Qualitative research on psychedelic-assisted therapy. Presentation at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology Symposium on Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J. (August, 2018). Profits and prophets: Problems with capitalism and power in psychedelic science. Presentation at the Cultural and Political Perspectives in Psychedelics Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (July 2018). Psychedelic Harm Reduction: Building Community through Advocacy and Education. Sleeping Octopus Assembly on Psychedelics, Pittsburgh, PA.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (April 2018). Healing Trauma: The promise of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy in medicine and mental health. Southern Illinois Drug Awareness Conference, Carterville, IL.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (April 2018). Just Say Know: Reality based drug education. A presentation about the SSDP Just Say Know peer education program. Southern Illinois Drug Awareness Conference, Carterville, IL.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (moderator), Aas, G., Alexander, I., Elliot, B., & Hulm, E. (March 2018). How to be an agent of youth Harm Reduction: A panel reviewing different strategies and examples of how young people engage in Harm Reduction work in their communities. 2018 International SSDP Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (moderator), Davis, R., Gould, J, & Hofmann, R. (March 2018). Drug Education: Informing students and peers about drugs and drug policy. 2018 International SSDP Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Alexander, I., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (March 2018). Psychedelic Harm Reduction. A workshop reviewing different harm reduction strategies for people who use psychedelics. Presented at the 2018 International Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Bathje, G.J. (December, 2017). Cross cultural issues with diagnosis. Invited lecture at National Tsing Hua University. Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
Alexander, I., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (March 2017). Psychedelic Harm Reduction. A workshop reviewing different harm reduction strategies for people who use psychedelics. 2017 International SSDP Conference, Portland, OR.
Fraguada Narloch, V. (March 2017). Just Say Know Peer Education Training. Workshop training students in the introductory lesson of the Just Say Know Peer Education Training Curriculum. 2017 International SSDP Conference, Portland, OR.
Fraguada Narloch, V., Alexander, I., & Hoffman, R. (March 2017). Activist Self Care Workshop for coping with stress, interpersonal relationships, time management, and more. 2017 International SSDP Conference, Portland, OR.
Alexander, I., Fraguada Narloch, V., & Ortiz, J. (March 2017). SSDPers on the Front Lines: When Empathy Becomes Activism. 2017 International SSDP Conference, Portland, OR.
Shelton, K. & Bathje, G.J. (January, 2017). Diverse Methods for Teaching Diversity Courses – Online Teaching and Co-Teaching Models. National Multicultural Summit and Conference, Portland, OR.
Wu, I.H.C., Bathje, G.J., Kalibatseva, Z., Sung, D.K., Leong, F., & Collins-Eaglin, J. (2017). Stigma, mental health, and counseling service use: A person-centered approach to mental health stigma profiles. Psychological Services, 14, 490-501.
Corrigan, P., Schomerus, G., Shuman, V., et al (2016). Developing a research agenda for understanding the stigma of addictions part 2: Lessons from the mental health stigma literature. American Journal on Addictions.
Corrigan, P., Schomerus, G., Shuman, V., et al (2016). Developing a research agenda for understanding the stigma of addictions part 1: Lessons from the mental health stigma literature. American Journal on Addictions.
Fu, F., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (November, 2016). Just Say Know: The Power of Peer Education. Workshop at the 2016 National Harm Reduction Conference, San Diego, CA.
Shuman, V. (November, 2016). It’s Not Just About Drugs: Applying Harm Reduction to Mental Health Concerns. 2016 National Harm Reduction Conference, San Diego, CA.
Carrasco, A., Fraguada Narloch, V., & Reuscher, G. (April, 2016). The Mental Illness of Drug Policy. At the 2016 International SSDP conference in Arlington, VA.
Fu, F., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (April, 2016). The Power of SSDP Peer Drug Education: An introduction. Panel discussion at the 2016 International SSDP conference, Arlington, VA.
Tovar, M., Wilches, J., Moss., O., Bernard, C., Fraguada Narloch, V., & Bester, D. (March, 2016). Ending the War on Drugs: International and Local Perspectives. Presented at Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.
Shuman, V. (2015). Commentary on “Motivational Interviewing in Art Therapy” by Gaelen Palmer. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 2015, 32(2): 95.
Beck, J., Brandon, A., Fraguada Narloch, V., Paganetti, R., Rosenbaum, M., Tatarsky, A., & Tupper, K. (November, 2015). Youth Drug Prevention and Education: New Paradigms for a New Era. Roundtable discussion at the 2015 Drug Policy Alliance Reform Conference, Washington, DC.
Bathje, G.J., Pillersdorf, D., & Kacere, L. (September, 2015). Diffusion of benefits in a harm reduction program for injection drug users: A qualitative analysis of motivational and relational factors. Contemporary Drug Problems Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rodriguez, M., Anguiano, D., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (April, 2015). Latino Youth Speak about Drug Policy and the Potential for Reform. Panel discussion at the Annual Forum on Drug Policy at Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J., Kim, E., Rao, E., Bassiouny, M.A., & Kim. T. (2014). Attitudes toward face-to-face and online counseling: Roles of self-concealment, openness to experience, loss of face, stigma, and disclosure expectations among Korean college students. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 1-15.
Kane-Willis, K., Aviles, G., Bazan, M., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (2014). Patchwork policy: An evaluation of arrests and tickets for marijuana misdemeanors in Illinois. (research report). Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy: Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J., Redmond, A. & Weber, A. (June, 2014). The impact of microaggressions on well-being and mediating factors. Poster presentation at APA Division 45 Conference, Eugene, OR.
Moon, C. & Shuman, V. (2013). The community art studio: Creating a place of solidarity and inclusion. In Howie, P., Prasad, S., Kristel, J. (Eds.) Using art therapy with diverse populations: Crossing cultures and abilities. (Chapter 26). London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Kane-Willis, K., Schmitz, S. J., Bazan, M., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (2013). A multiple indicator analysis of heroin and opiate use in Missouri: 2001-1011. (research report). Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy: Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J. (August, 2013). The role of multicultural competence in the process and outcome of counseling. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention in Honolulu, HI.
Kalibatseva, Z., Bathje, G.J., Bluestein, B., Wu, I., Leong, F. T. L., & Collins-Eaglin, J. (August, 2013). Depression and suicidal ideation among Asian American clients at a university counseling center. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Convention in Honolulu, HI.
Kane-Willis, K., Laliberte, C., Bazan, M., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (March, 2013). The Good Samaritan Law: Implications and Implementation in Illinois. Southern Illinois Meth & Other Drugs Awareness Conference, Carterville, IL.
Shuman, V. (November, 2012). Social Justice Through Community Art Making. National Harm Reduction Conference, Portland, OR.
Bathje, G.J. & Shelton, K. (August, 2012). Multicultural competence checklist for college and university counseling centers. Poster presented at The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Bathje, G.J. (March, 2012). Multicultural competence in the process and outcome of counseling. Research paper presented at APA Division 45 Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Kane-Willis, K., Schmitz, S. J., Bazan, M., & Fraguada Narloch, V. (2012). Heroin Use: National and Illinois Perspectives (2008-2010). (research report). Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy: Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.
Fraguada Narloch, V., Malia, T., Dusold, J., Balthazar, C., & Meyers, S. A. (May, 2011). How to Best Facilitate Service-learning in a Psychology Classroom. Symposia at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Malia, T., Pasola, W., Fraguada Narloch, V., & Meyers, S. A. (April, 2011). Collaborative Learning with Students of Different Abilities. Symposia at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Kane-Willis, K., Schmitz, S. J., Bazan, M., Fraguada Narloch, V. & Wallace, C. B. (2011). Understanding suburban heroin use: Research findings from the Reed Hruby Heroin Prevention Project at the Robert Crown Center for Health Education. (research report). Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy: Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J. & Pryor, J.B. (2011). The relationships of public and self-stigma to seeking psychological services. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 13, 161-176.
Bathje, G.J., Smith, A., & Blackwell-Jones, S. (August 2009). Experiential multicultural competence training: A group approach. Poster presented at The American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Bathje, G.J., Smith, A. (May 2009). Multicultural competence assessment tools: An update. Poster presented at the Georgia Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Bathje, G.J., Smith, A. (April 2009). Assessing Multicultural Competence. Poster presented at the 1st Annual Southeastern Regional Counseling Psychology Conference, Athens, Georgia.
Bathje, G.J. & Smith, A. (March 2008). An Exploratory Needs Assessment Among Women Living with HIV in Tanzania. Poster presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Bathje, G.J. (February 2008). Social Justice Work in Tanzania. Poster presented at the Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling Southeastern Conference, Savannah, GA.
Shuman, V. (January, 2008). Harm Reduction Art Therapy: the use of art therapy to increase motivation for change & reduce risk in dually diagnosed adult clients. Illinois Art Therapy Association Conference, Oak Park, IL.
Shuman, V. (November, 2004). Harm Reduction and Art Therapy. National Harm Reduction Conference, New Orleans, LA.