Education & Training


Psychedelic Harm Reduction 101 Resources

Course Description:

“Join us in this course to explore how to make psychedelic therapy safely and equitably accessible to clients from underserved communities, particularly those affected by the war on drugs.

In the age of psychedelic water, Facebook mushroom ads, and ketamine yoga, it’s hard to know what’s what. While “accessibility” should be a means towards equity, the intersection of capitalism and psychedelics has led to an interest in profit over ethical client care. “Accessible” psychedelic treatments are more readily available, but at what psychological cost?

Psychedelic medicines can be powerful tools that amplify the subconscious, lower defenses, and help people connect with more vulnerable parts of themselves. As such, this modality must be approached with care, especially when working to make these treatments more accessible to people who use drugs and other systematically-oppressed populations.

As co-founders of two nonprofit psychedelic therapy clinics, we will frame the course from our experiences of building sliding-scale clinics that work with clients who are often left out of the conversations within the psychedelic therapy space.

We review the impacts of the war on drugs on populations we work with, the current cultural context of psychedelic therapy, how we weave harm reduction approaches into our practice, and the risks of psychedelics (within and outside of therapy). We provide a culturally-sensitive tool for how to “assess clients in” for services.”



Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) consultation Group

Sana Healing Collective invites you to our 6-month Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Consultation Group inaugural cohort. Our purpose in offering this group is to help therapists develop their skills and confidence in combining psychotherapy with ketamine. We will meet online via Zoom for 90-120 minutes each month for 6 months (beginning in January 2024, to be scheduled based on availability). The group is geared toward mental health professionals who have already worked in a ketamine-assisted therapy format, with the understanding that there is no single agreed-upon format. For the sake of eligibility for the group, we will define KAP at minimum as providing at least one preparation session, being present to process the ketamine session immediately after the ketamine experience (if not also in the room for the ketamine dosing), and at least some amount of integration work at subsequent appointments. We are not at this time considering take-home ketamine work to meet this criteria.  Eligible practitioners will have worked with a minimum of 3 KAP clients and completed a minimum of 10 KAP sessions. We will give registration priority to clinicians who have attended KRIYA Conference or completed a psychedelic-assisted therapy/KAP training program. The KAP Consultation Group will be facilitated by Geoff Bathje, PhD and Vilmarie Fraguada Narloch, PsyD. Special guest presenters with significant experience in KAP will also join. The content will include case presentations from participants, discussions of clinical/legal/ethical issues, and guidance/mentorship from the facilitators. Minimum number of participants will be 5, and maximum number of participants will be 10 to ensure that everyone can participate actively. If the group consists of 6 members or less, the meeting time will be shortened to 90 minutes. If the group has 7-10 members, the group will meet for 120 minutes to allow for adequate time. The cost for the package, including APA CE's (convertible for other mental health professions in most states), will be $900. We are looking forward to meeting and learning from one another as we all contribute to forging this new paradigm of care. Coming together in community is one of the greatest medicines available to us.


General consultation and training

Want to have us speak about psychedelics at your event? We have a broad base of knowledge and can speak about a variety of topics related to psychedelics, including but not limited to psychedelic-assisted therapy, safety/harm reduction, set and setting, music, mind-body relationship, culture, and social justice issues. We speak free of charge whenever we can for free public events and conferences, and can also discuss speaking at paid events. For speaking inquiries, please fill out our Contact form.



psychedelic safety, support, and integration

Monthly meetings are focused on building community among people interested in psychedelics. We acknowledge that people use psychedelics for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to personal healing, recreation, connecting with others, creativity, and spirituality. Regardless of the reason for consuming psychedelics, there is a common need for safety, and sometimes for support or integration of psychedelic experiences.